Personal Projects

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Academic Game Design

All of the work listed below were created during my time spent at DigiPen Institute of Technology.

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Omega Gladius - Technical/Gameplay Designer

Runner/Action Platformer (DigiPen GAM120 Team Project)

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Omega Gladius was an interesting beast, and my first team project. Our team leader decided they had wanted to build an autorunner-type game, although for the purpose of the class we needed to have additional gameplay elements as well. This led to an amalgamation of an action hack and slash, as well as a linear autorunner.

My role in the project's creation consisted of coding the character controller, enemy behaviors, and various systems in the game. I also created the character sprite and it's animations, as well as the enemy sprite and accompanying combat effects.

The project received a 4/5 (above expectations) as it's team grade score, and I received a score of 5/5 on the game for individual contribution and academic excellence.

Card Shark - Technical/Gameplay Designer

Autoscrolling Bullet Hell (DigiPen GAM120 Team Project)

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For this project, I had switched to this team about halfway through the course. Their previous team member had widthdrawn from the course and I had offered to switch teams to help fill the gap.

The design lead's original game pitch was a fish-themed bullet hell where you could slow down time and maneuver underwater to dodge incoming swarms of bullets and enemies. This project was especially difficult as I had fallen ill with COVID-19 during production, putting me out for a third of the production process. Regardless, in the final 7 days of the course, I was able to take my team member's rough pseudo-code and high concepts and translate it all into C# as well as prepared visual assets and animations for the game ahead of the deadline.

My role in the project's creation consisted of coding the character controller, enemy behaviors, and various systems in the game. I also created and animated all visual assets in the game.

The game received a 4/5 (above expectations) and I received a personal grade of 5/5 on the project for individual contribution and academic excellence.

Interactive Product Design

All of the work listed below were created during my time spent at Platt College of San Diego. Any copyrighted material referenced or used for educational purposes belong to their respective owners.

Hextech Chest Package Design

Interactive Package Design Class (Not affiliated with Riot Games)

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